Hi friends, I know it’s been a little while since I’ve been around – life got unexpectedly chaotic for a bit. But, I’m back this week and have some One Room Challenge updates for you. Spoiler alert: the ORC is getting put on hold. I’m really bummed about it, but it’s the right choice for a number of reasons.
The biggest being that as I mentioned a few things were unexpectedly dropped into my schedule that I didn’t have control over. This combined with the fact that the client lives several hours away and we couldn’t arrange a time for a trip out there meant that there was just no way this would be feasible. We’re going out of the country in a couple weeks and need to start preparing for our trip. On top of that there’s been a hold up with some of the pieces – specifically the chairs. The reupholsters have been busier than usual are weren’t able to get them back to us on time. Plus we’ve been struggling with a couple other furniture choices and it didn’t feel right to pull the trigger on something just so we could get it done by the time the One Room Challenge was over. It was important to me that the client got what they wanted in the end. And honestly, this is life. Things come up, you don’t get stuff back on time, other more important things take precedence. So, together, we’ve decided to extend the deadline for the room a bit. I’m trying not to be too hard on myself about it. The clients don’t mind at all and that’s what’s really important. I just really like getting things done by the deadline, even if the deadline is somewhat arbitrary, self-inflicted, or a long shot 🙃Don’t worry, I’m still planning on sharing all my progress with you here and updates as they come along, it just won’t be done by next week.
As of now, we’re still working on selecting a paint color and narrowing down the coffee table and side table decision. Last we talked I told you we were thinking something nice and neutral for the walls. But, a pretty gray-ish navy has also been thrown into the mix. So it could really be anything! These paint colors and rooms are kind giving me lots of inspiration to go with a more saturated color!
Anyway, thanks for sticking around even when things are changing! And I’m really excited to get back to business as usual!