The White Apartment

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A Foyer Table Idea for Small Spaces

Happy Friday! I’m so excited to share a little foyer update with you guys today. Because it’s the first thing people see when they come in it’s been on my mind a lot lately. Plus, I think it makes our lives a lot easier if the foyer is functioning well. Having a place to put things when we come in and an area to keep our shoes organized is so great. Plus it was kind of a bummer when the very first thing you saw when you walked in was messy.

A Small Foyer Table: Making Life Easier

Okay, so it’s not even close to being done. But, it’s such an improvement, plus now that it’s more functional it provides some extra sanity (no more constantly searching the house for where I left my keys or my sunglasses). I started by taking our old TV stand and repurposing it to be a little entry table. It's a really small space and it just so happened that the dimensions of it were perfect. Plus, I like that it’s not chunky, I think it gives the illusion of being even smaller than it is – which in this case is perfect. I wanted something that would be kind of bright because that corner is pretty dark so I ended up going with Rustoleum’s Meadow Green. I’m not in love with it, but it took me so long to get it painted because the humidity’s been too high lately I decided it was better to be done than working on it for who knows how much longer. Plus I think it’s growing on me a little. Luckily the hooks to the right of the door were there when we moved in, they’re perfect. I do want to update them because they’re pretty worn out, but the good thing is that’s always hidden when there’s stuff on the them (which is basically all the time).

Foyer Decor: Keeping Clutter Down is Key!

Next, I knew I wanted a way to corral our shoes that inevitably get left by the door. So, I added these baskets underneath – I already had them and they fit nicely. Then I was on the hunt for something to catch our keys, sunglasses and the other small things you need when you walk out the door.  I wanted something that wasn’t ceramic or glass because I was concerned they would eventually crack or chip. I found this wood dish from target and it’s perfect! It’s pretty large, very durable and was half off! And then last but not least, I added some finishing touches. That garland is also from target - $5 for a pack of 3! I’d used them for a celebration and was excited to find a spot for this one. I also pulled out my art and pictures and liked these two here. That picture of Xan and I is from a trip we took to Baltimore to visit my friend Lore (she has an awesome travel blog – check it out!) when we had only been dating for a year or so. Sometimes I think we should update it with something more recent, but then I also like looking back at us when we were so young and in a totally different part of our lives. The print is from an old source that’s no longer in business, but it’s all the different types of buildings you can find in San Francisco. I love that it reminds me of our time there and Xan, being an architect and building fanatic, is obsessed with it. The birds are from a little store I worked at in college and are another thing that remind me of sweet times past.

Foyer Decor: What's Left To Do

As I said, there’s still a lot I’d like to do with the space that will happen over time. My dream right now is to paint/wallpaper the area with something really fun and splashy. But, I’m still figuring it out because there aren’t any clean breaks in the walls. Both of the walls on the sides end up extending out pretty far and I’d either have to just cut it off somewhere random which I think would look weird, or I’d have to extend whatever color/paper I choose all the way up the stairs and into the upstairs hallway. But, what I’m envisioning is something you wouldn’t need a lot of. We are going to want to repaint eventually, so maybe we should just go ahead and do it and stick with a conservative color. Clearly I’m still figuring it out! I also want to add a big statement piece of art or a mirror or something above the table to replace the Target garland and some kind of lighting. Right now there’s not light switch for the foyer. The switches you see control the outside light and the light at the top of the stairs. In the foyer there’s a pull light a few feet in, but it’s annoying to have to find the pull in the dark. Plus the light is barely hanging on and every time you pull it you just cross your fingers it’s not going to come crashing down on you. Being able to turn on the light immediately is one of those first world problems that makes a HUGE difference. I really like the idea of sconce. Clearly I’m a fan of them because they add some light while being out of the way. Plus I think we could find something that’s easy to turn on. I also want some taller baskets I think that will help hide what’s in them a bit more.

Even though there’s a lot I’d still like to do, the changes so far make an amazing difference. It’s already so much easier to have a place to put your keys and other odds and ends. It’s crazy what a little update can do!

Table // Basket – left // Basket – right (old, similar here) // Wooden dish // Garland

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