The White Apartment

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It’s time for an announcement!

I know it’s been pretty quiet around here and I feel like I have a little explaining to do. Since Thanksgiving things have been crazy. An opportunity came along that we weren’t expecting and we decided it was the right time to move back to the East Coast. We’re going to be living in Asheville, NC. 

Wait, what!? I know! It was a decision that was somewhat unexpected, but feels really right. The opportunity came along around Thanksgiving and I’ve been simmering on it ever since which has been overwhelming (to say the least) and pretty all-consuming. For the past two months I’ve had so many thoughts running through my head about what this means for me, what this means for Xan and I, and what this means for our families. Neither of us thought we’d be leaving San Francisco quite this soon, which made it an extra hard decision. Were we giving up on a dream we had? Was it the right time to go? Even with all the questions dancing around our heads we both had the feeling somewhere deep inside that NC is where we wanted to be eventually. Both our families and so many of our closest friends are here and it’s a place we really feel connected to. Plus, we’ve both always wanted to live in Asheville and it’s not easy because there aren’t a ton of stable, full-time jobs. So when Xan got one, we ultimately felt like it was now or never. It really was the time to hold hands, close our eyes, and take the leap of faith. So that’s what we did!

We got to Asheville less than a week ago and are settling in and doing some of the boring stuff like buying a car and getting a home loan, etc. I plan on continuing the blogging adventure from here and have a few posts about San Francisco that were already planned but got put on the back burner as I contemplated the implications of another cross-country move. While we transition to our new city I’ll post those remaining San Francisco things and then start on some new Asheville stuff. I have a lot of hopes and dreams for the content and can’t wait to start sharing it with you. And I have to say I’m really grateful you’re along for the ride!