The White Apartment

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Curtain Ideas: A Round-Up

Happy Friday, friends! What’s on your agenda for the weekend? We’re planning on doing tons of yard work. We have trees on all three sides of our house that are big, and actually belong to our neighbors. But, they drop a lot of leaves into our yard and block our light. So, we’ve talked to our neighbors on either side and are going to trim those back. Plus the regular stuff like mowing and trimming hedges. I actually really like yard work. You get to be so physical and the results are immediate. It’s gratifying to see a yard that was so messy change in the matter of hours. So, call me crazy, but I’m looking forward to it!

Another thing on my mind right now is curtains. Specifically curtains for our bedroom. At the moment we’re using the ones left over from San Francisco, which were trimmed years ago to fit above the bay window seat in our studio. At that time we were definitely not abiding by the high-and-wide strategy, but the have-something-covering-the-windows-in-this-awkward-area strategy instead. And to be honest they worked great there. And we even made them work in our next apartment – they looked a little short but it wasn’t offensive. I think that’s because, again, it was a bay window (but without the seat) and so the three windows together created what felt like one huge window, which let a lot of light in. And, the window caught your eye much more than the curtains.

But, now that we’re in this house, the curtains just don’t really work anymore. I think it’s mostly because the windows in the bedroom are relatively small. Especially compared to the size of the room and the walls they are on. When the cut-off curtains are added it just makes the whole thing look so dinky.

I’ve been thinking for a while now that if we could get some proper curtains in there that it would significantly improve the feel of the room. So, I’ve rounded-up 8 of my current favorite curtain ideas. Now, I had some parameters that I was using when looking. Because they’re for our bedroom I want them function really well. Specifically, I want them to block out the light that filters through the blinds. See, I’m super into sleep. Generally, I’m a very good sleeper and always have, but I also really need it. I don’t sleep in until noon or anything, in fact I generally get up pretty early. But, if I don’t get a good night’s sleep I feel it so much the next day. So, I’m very particular about my bedroom and how it can help or hurt my sleep. I may be the only person who cares about this but I think a window on only one side of the bed makes a difference in sleeping. Imagine you’re sleeping on your side facing away from the window and then you roll over to your other side – if it doesn’t have a really good light-blocking curtain on it that’s just as dark as the other side of your room your body’s probably going to notice it. Maybe not enough to fully wake up, but it will disrupt you a bit. And that’s a pet-peeve for me. (only in my own bedroom, I can deal with it for a few nights). I’m telling you, I could do an entire post on sleeping habits and sleep hygiene. But, I’ll save that for another day!

Instead, today I’m going to share with you the curtains I found that I’m considering for the bedroom. A lot of these are dark because I think that goes a long way towards blocking light when it’s not a full on black-out curtain. And they’re in some relatively neutral tones. Blue is as wild as it gets today. I like to keep things calm and toned down in the bedroom – focusing on colors that help encourage me to relax. So – here you go! Just click on a photo below and it will take you right to the curtain. To be honest with you I think any of these would look really good in a living room too. You decide! 

Update: We bought the navy ones! Though when they arrived they definitely aren't navy, much lighter. But, that's okay I actually still like them. They're not up yet, when they are I'll be sure to put some pictures here on the blog. 

Pin these curtain ideas and save them for later - you never know when you'll need new curtains!

See this gallery in the original post