The White Apartment

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Wednesday Favorites - June 2017

Hi friends, how’s your week going?

I thought I’d try a new style of post today. I read a lot of other blogs and I really like it when they do a round-up or list of things they’re enjoying at the moment and so I thought I’d give it a try. The list includes some home stuff and also some other stuff that’s not specifically home or DIY related, but I’m just super into.

1. It’s really dorky, but this respirator mask. They’re especially awesome because our house is so old that we’re never quite sure what we’re getting into. Is there lead in the paint? Asbestos in the ceiling? We haven’t had anything tested yet so for safety reasons we aren’t doing any major stuff, but even small things like hanging a picture creates dust and since we don’t know if it’s harmful or not we always use the masks. They’re a really inexpensive way to get some extra peace of mind. I wear a medium and Xan wears a large.

2. Okay, this is another one that’s not super obvious but I was reminded of again last week when I unpacked all of our frames and art from the move. I know, I know that was forever ago. I actually unpacked everything else pretty quickly, but knew we had a lot to do before we’d be able to hang stuff so I left it to keep it from getting dusty. Buuuuut, we wrapped everything up with this tension wrap and opening it all up reminded me how awesome it is. Need to neatly secure your hangers together? Easy! Want something to keep the drawer on the desk closed? Done! We even wrapped our entire silverware tray utensils and all! If you’re moving soon I can’t stress enough how awesome this stuff is. It made both packing and unpacking about a thousand times easier. I’ll never move without again.

3. Okay, last obscure one, I promise! But, I had to include it because I’ve been using it so much. And it’s our humidity thermometer. We originally got it because our apartment in San Francisco was sooooo humid and we wanted confirmation that we weren’t crazy. And then we were obsessed with it. Always checking the humidity and temperature trying to get it to a comfortable place (FYI between 45%-50% is ideal). And now that we’ve moved I’ve been using it all the time when I’m trying to spray paint. Because you can’t do it if the humidity is over 65% and I live in the south I’ve actually had to use it and find out it’s too humid to paint on many days. Plus it has the temperature on it too so Xan’s been using it when he has to work on the insulation in the attic to monitor the temp. It got up to 134 in there! The thermometer costs $9 and we’ve seriously gotten our money’s worth.

4. Okay, moving on to stuff that’s a bit more fun. The Anthropologie tag sale is going on right now and they have some pretty good stuff. I got these sunnies and I’m obsessed with them. They make every outfit more fun, plus the price is SO GOOD. I also got a couple shirts: this one is super fun with the crazy sleeves and this one I’m completely obsessed with (I got the "blue motif". It’s not on sale, but it’s worth it. The fit is amazing and it makes me feel so good when I wear it.

5. These sconces we got for our bedside tables are the best. We got them a month ago and every night I’m still so excited to use them. I love the look and I love that they’re nice and dim. We actually swapped out the bulbs that came with them for something even dimmer. We went with 25 watts and that’s perfect for reading at night. We have an overhead light and lots of natural light so it wasn’t necessary for these to be super bright.

6. Another nice and girly one is this dry shampoo. I’ve never really been a hair product kind of girl. My hair has always been pretty easy and tends to the dry side, so dry shampoo is never something I would have considered. But, at a hair appointment my stylist used it and it made my hair look amazing for days. It gave it so much body, you could style it however you wanted and it helps hold in curl. You just take a small amount and rub it between your hands to warm it up which will thin it out and then scrunch it through your hair starting at the bottom. Trust me, this stuff is awesome!

7. Okay, the last thing I’m kind of obsessed with right now isn’t a product, it’s a TV show. It’s called GLOW. It’s a Netflix original that came out over the weekend and we’ve already watched 5 episodes. Allison Brie is the main character (love her!) and it’s about this real TV show from the eighties called Gorgeous Women of Wrestling (aka GLOW). It’s a lot of fun and strangely captivating. Try it!

Well, I hope you enjoyed this kind of post – it’s fun to throw in something a little different. See you guys on Friday! 😘

See this gallery in the original post